Weblog ABC s in Slovakia
Wednesday, October 29
  Charsets for Slovak My older Hayek in Slovakia needs to be in Unicode UTH - 8 (or something), but I'm not sure how to get it there. Chaning the text encoding in the browser works, it should be a meta-tag 
  Blogger FAQ blog Blogger FAQ blog: "Blogger Unofficial FAQ blog" 
  A bit of writing on the right The article is coming very slowly, and I still have no answer for the double blog post issue. 
Friday, October 24

A German list of tools fairly well known; I didn't know about sunlog. 
Tuesday, October 21
  Stigmergy and the World-Wide Web | 2002-12-30 | BitWorking: "Weblogs, Neighborhoods, and Google are all phenomena of the World-Wide Web. All of these are fairly new and they are all very powerful. Weblogs are successfully taking on large publishers on their fact checking. A minor shift in Googles ranking algorithms creates huge ripples. Warchalking swept through the web and onto street corners in a matter of days. Is there any connection between them? I want to convince you that they are all intertwingled, all the result of the same phenomenon, and that we have much more interesting and powerful phenomenon on the horizon." 
Thursday, October 9
  Guardian Unlimited | Online | New biz on the blog

Really good article as of January. Wish I had written it.
A bit of history, buzz review with Glenn and Sullivan, Denton of Gizmodo & Gawker, thin media/ nano-media (I like microcontent). Jarvis and commercializing of blogging. The passion of bloggers. Radio's k-log for business. Senser network (??) Nice list of links. 
  Bloglines | wrichard's Blogs

A new alternative to blogroll? 
  OJC world overview

Great blog pieces on other places to visit. Notes that bloggers are getting picked up by newsfolk. And a new blog for the vatican. 
  Blogging with MovableType: "A blog, short for weblog, is a website of frequently updated, date-based, chronologically ordered entries, often described as an online journal. When a new post is added, the existing posts are shifted down and older posts are archived.
The first (hand coded) blogs were literally link-driven logs of websites, with commentary and/or personal asides. They essentially filtered the web for readers, hence the term weblog. Created by web enthusiasts/programmers who linked to cool stuff they found on the web, bloggers began adding commentary, posting daily, and reading one another's blogs. A community culture developed.
As content management systems like Movable Type were developed, it allowed 'non-techies' to blog. The focus then moved from filter-style weblogs to journal-style blogs." 
Tuesday, October 7
  Eastgate: Hypertext Resources

A site devoted to hypertext. More than just web links; this also explores hypertext in fiction and in future education. 
Monday, October 6
  20six � Weblogs. Blog via the web, MMS or E-Mail.

So I google "Czech Blogs" and find stuff; one leads me to this other company. Anasoft clear advantage is if we offer in Slovak, as well as English.

And their webpage help is really a good explanation of blogs.
"... platform for everyone who wants to publish hassle-free on the internet with a Weblog. Texts, images or multimedia content. Whenever you want, wherever you want, whatever you want."
"soon everyone will (or should) have their own Weblog to tell the world what they think and believe. And it's the ideal multimedia tool for communicating with lots of other people."
"What is a Weblog?

Great ideas are simple. Just like Blogs. They are websites that can be reached with ease by (almost) every internet browser and updated without problem. You don't even have to know what HTML or FTP mean. The entries in the Blogs are arranged chronologically, similar to in a diary. There are a thousand reasons to write a Blog. Many people just publish their personal thoughts and experiences regularly on the internet. Some write a magazine on their hobby, others air their thoughts on philosophy and politics, or report on the interesting things they've discovered on the net.
A Blog can also be put to practical uses: as a travel diary (with pictures of course), as a source of information for friends in other cities and countries or a season diary for a sports team. Or as a family Weblog of the kids' great adventures and pictures they've drawn. Or as a holiday photo album, so that everyone that went can share their pictures. Or... ok, ok!"

At their interests page they write:
"The all-new-and-improved-and-working sweetie chart is here! It will update once a week, showing you which blogs are getting attention (and rewards) from other users at 20six.

Keep commenting and posting and watch those charts change!"

  Globe of Blogs ::: Browse by Weblog Location ::: Europe ::: Czech Republic

List of blogs in Europe; CZ. Want to look at some of these. 
Friday, October 3
  BLOGGER - Knowledge Base

The problem of comments is Blogger -- they aren't there. There are 3rd party systems. BlogSpeak; HaloScan; YACCS, etc.

BlogOut will be changing domains -- too successful, but now not stable for awhile.
So let's try enetation? Seems good enough for me ... And free! 
What, when, where, how, and why. Get a blog. Y not? Mozno bude zaujmavi. (Maybe it will be interesting [in Slovak] - but diacritics in description fail, ž č š ť)

Comments by enetation. This weblog is my own exploration of cool tools, how to write a weblog, WHY to write a weblog, etc. I'll try to publish it, but will be writing it first. Here. ... goes.
A weblog is, blogs can be, anything, any site on the web. But Blogs are cool. Because they're Personal. And they Link to each other. And they are Updated frequently. Usually every day, with the most recent blog post/ journal entry on top. So folks keep coming to visit their favorites, and follow some links to their favorites' favorites. Or not. PLU; nope. PUL? Personal, updating, linking; editing? Pule; it could catch on.

09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 / 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 / 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 / 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 / 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 / 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 / 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 / 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 / 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 /

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